Lab Alumni

NameGeisinger Lab positionCurrent position
Yunfei Dai, Ph.D.Graduate studentScientist I, Sarepta Therapeutics
Amy TangUndergraduate researcherPhD student, Northwestern University
Colette FritscheUndergraduate researcherMedical Student, Tufts University School of Medicine
Jennifer FaizUndergraduate researcherGenetic Counseling Assistant, NYU Perlmutter Cancer Center
Shellaina Gordon Undergraduate researcherPhD Student, University of Melbourne
Gabrielle Hernandez Undergraduate researcherResearch Associate, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Jessica Finkler Undergraduate researcherPhD student, Duke University
Vivian Hua Undergraduate researcherPatient Care Associate, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Elizabeth Schwartz Undergraduate researcherAmericorps Care Coordinator, Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
Bouchra Benghomari Undergraduate researcherClinical Research Coordinator, Weill Cornell Medicine
Shantih WhitefordUndergraduate researcher
Sophia Kapoglis Undergraduate researcherMedical Student, New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine
Ashley Brown Undergraduate researcherUndergraduate Student, Northeastern University
Isabella BaileyUndergraduate researcherMedical Student, New York Medical College
Jade LawUndergraduate researcherResearch Technician, Massachusetts General Hospital
Jason Denoncourt Undergraduate researcherMedical Student, UMass Medical School
Emma YoungUndergraduate researcher
Florian PaulVisiting Masters studentPhD Student, University of Kassel
Janina OldemeyerVisiting Masters studentMasters Student, Leibniz University Hannover
Ansley NemethVisiting Graduate studentPhD Student, University of Notre Dame
Eliza WainwrightREU studentManager of Business Operations, Pharmaron
Roniche WilsonREU studentDMD student, VCU School of Dentistry
Miranda WuREU studentPhD Student, University of California, Berkeley
Aman AhmedREU studentPhD Student, Keck USC School of Medicine